Safe Routes to School Survey
OVRDC is currently conducting a survey of the region's schools about their knowledge of the Safe Routes to School program. The purpose of this survey is to determine if you are familiar with the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program…
ODOT Regional Transportation Improvement Plan
PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE OVRDC RTIP Map The Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission (OVRDC), in partnership with the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), will hold open houses to allow public comment on the region’s Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). Representatives will be…
Donald R. Myers Legacy Fund Grant Application Available
The Donald R. Myers Legacy Fund was created to support projects and activities of organizations in the 32 Appalachian counties in Ohio that improve quality of life with emphasis on concerns Mr. Myers worked so passionately to address: education, regional networking…
2017 Appalachian Regional Commission/Oak Ridge National Laboratory Summer Math-Science-Technology Institute & Summer Science Academy
Applications Available for Appalachian Students! Each year the Governor's Office of Appalachia and the Appalachian Regional Commission send two middle school and two high school students as well as two high school teachers to the Appalachian Regional Commission/Oak Ridge National Laboratory…
OVRDC Map Portal Featured in FHWA Newsletter!
OVRDC was recently interviewed and published by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) GIS In Transportation Fall 2016 Newsletter. The article focuses on the Open Map Portal created by OVRDC staff as part of the RTPO program. We invite you to…
Vector Tiles at OVRDC
Why Vector Tiles? Visualizing large amounts of GIS data on a web map can prove difficult on lower end PCs and mobile devices. A GIS server is often used to alleviate this problem by pushing small static images, or tiles,…
Executive Committee & Full Commission Meeting Dates for 2017
Meeting notices will be sent to all members at least two weeks prior to the scheduled meeting date. Please be aware that meeting dates are subject to change for justified reasons. Meetings will be held at the OVRDC Office, 73…
First Round 2017 County Caucus Meetings
All OVRDC 1st Round County Caucus meetings have been scheduled (see schedule below) and notices will be mailed to all members at least two weeks prior to the scheduled meeting date. Please be aware that meeting dates are subject to…
What is a Map?
Marshall University GIS Day Presentation Click here for a power point version of the presentation.