Request for Proposal
OVRDC Transportation Study/Plan RFP Issued January 10, 2022
The Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission (OVRDC), a twelve-county regional planning commission in Southern Ohio, is issuing a request for proposals for transportation studies/plans. Selected studies/plans will be conducted by OVRDC or consultants contracted by OVRDC or in conjunction with ODOT.
This Request for Proposal (RFP) is being issued by OVRDC, which is the sole point of contact during the selection process. The person(s) responsible for managing the procurement process is Stephanie Gilbert, Transportation Planning Coordinator.
Entity will submit a proposal for a transportation study or plan. Proposals should be limited in scope so that the estimated study cost is less than $20,000. Consideration will be given to studies over $20,000 if an immediate safety concern is identified.
• Proposals need to be transportation-focused
• Proposals should be directly related to a specific transportation-related project
• Suggested focus areas include:
- Safety
- Active Transportation
- School Travel Plans
- Thoroughfare Plans
- Economic Impact
- Traffic Count/Analysis
- Complete Streets
- Transit
• Studies cannot include engineering (i.e. final plans, final specifications, construction, etc.)
• Proposals will only be accepted from public entities located within the OVRDC RTPO region
Any questions concerning this RFP may be submitted to:
Stephanie Gilbert
Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission
73 Progress Drive
Waverly, Ohio 45690
If an entity discovers any significant ambiguity, error, conflict, discrepancy, omission, or other deficiency in this RFP, the entity should immediately notify OVRDC.
OVRDC Transportation Study/Plan RFP Issued January 10, 2022
Proposals should be limited to no more than 5 pages and should include the following:
• Study location
• Purpose of study/clearly defined scope
• Supporting Documentation (i.e. crash statistics or other description)
• Estimated cost of the study (does not need to be an engineer estimate, just your own estimate of what you think it may cost)
• Point of contact
Entities must submit all materials required for acceptance of their proposal by 3:00 PM on February 11, 2022 to:
Transportation Study RFP
Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission
73 Progress Drive
Waverly, OH 45690
One copy of the proposal must be mailed via US postal service or courier service (i.e. UPS, FedEx) and time-stamped in by the OVRDC. Proposals not stamped will not be accepted. No proposals will be accepted by fax or email. There will be no public opening. Late proposals will not be opened.
For more information contact Stephanie Gilbert, Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission Transportation Coordinator
Phone: (740) 947-2853 or (800) 223-7491