NRAC Clean Ohio Green Space Conservation Program

In order to apply for Clean Ohio funding, you must fill out the application and attachments below and submit to the Natural Resource Assistance Council (NRAC) in which the project is located.

You can find your NRAC by visiting our District Homepage. For most of the OVRDC region, it will be District 15. District 15 NRAC manual and methodology are linked below. Once projects are submitted to the NRAC, they will be reviewed, scored, and ranked, and then sent to Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC) for review and project agreement release.

The Clean Ohio Green Space Conservation Program provides grants for up to 75 percent of the estimated costs. Match can take the form of funding, contributions of land, labor, or materials.

 There are two project types eligible for funding:

Open Space – Open space acquisition and/or related development of those open spaces, including the acquisition of easements. This includes the acquisition of land or rights in land for parks, forests, wetlands, natural areas that protect an endangered plant or animal population, other natural areas, and connecting corridors for natural areas. Related development projects include projects for the construction or enhancement of facilities that are necessary to make the acquired open space area accessible and useable by the general public. An application can be made for acquisition only, acquisition and related improvements, or for improvements only on properties previously acquired through Clean Ohio. Eligible improvements include trails, pedestrian bridges, observation decks, kiosks/signs, benches, trash receptacles, invasive species removal (one time), parking lots, restoration, and fencing.


Riparian Corridor – Protection and enhancement of riparian corridors or watersheds, including the protection of streams, rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water. Projects may include reforestation of land or planting of vegetation for filtration, and fee simple acquisition or acquisition of easements for providing access, or for protection and enhancement.


Click here to find out if your waterway is designated as an exceptional warmwater habitat or if your forested habitat includes rare, threatened and/or endangered species by ODNR.

Methodology for Round 20 – Coming soon!

Applicant Manual for Round 20 – Coming soon!

Application Timeline (Timeline for when portions of the application are suggested to be started.)

Download the NRAC Clean Ohio brochure here. 

OPWC WorksWise Portal (Required for Clean Ohio Applications)

OPWC Clean Ohio Application Form

OPWC Clean Ohio Application Instructions

NRAC District 15 Financial Spreadsheet

Applications for NRAC Clean Ohio Round 20 are coming soon. For questions, contact OVRDC program liaison Eli Cole at (740) 947-2853.