Historic Investment in Appalachia Ohio with the Appalachian Community Grant Program

Gov. DeWine Signs the Historic Appalachian Community Grant Program into Law Surrounded by Local Leaders and Legislators Back in April, Governor DeWine and Lt. Gov. Husted visited our region to announce a proposal to designate $500 million dollars to fund…

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PRESS RELEASE: BroadbandOhio and OVRDC Helping Communities Develop Broadband Access Solutions

BroadbandOhio and OVRDC Aim to Help Communities Develop Broadband Access Solutions FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Waverly, Ohio The Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission (OVRDC) is named one of four teams to participate in the BroadbandOhio Community Accelerator Cohort, a community broadband…

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OVRDC in Washington DC

OVRDC Attends Annual Development Associations Conference Last week, OVRDC staff members travelled to Washington DC for The National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) and the Development District Association of Appalachia (DDAA) conference held Sunday, March 13 to Wednesday, March 16,…

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Public Notice

Public Notice of Retirement and Possible Reemployment of Executive Director On November 18, 2021, at the recommendation of the Personnel Committee, the OVRDC Executive Committee motioned and approved to proceed with the necessary requirements to rehire John Hemmings as Executive…

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