OVRDC Issues RFP for Legal Services

Legal Services – Request for Proposals Issued

The Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission (OVRDC) is issuing a request for proposals for legal services. As a public agency that relies on federal and state grants, OVRDC has a policy to periodically issue RFPs for those vendors providing professional services.

Read the complete RFP details here.

Most of the agency’s legal consulting needs fall under four (4) broad categories. Those categories are:

  1. Legal services related to loan closings for specific loans made from the OVRDC’s three revolving loan funds. Some of the specific legal services connected to loan closings could include: (a) preparation of loan commitment letters and conditions; (b) attending some RLF committee meetings and loan closings; (c) filing related paperwork, such as U.C.C.s and mortgages; (d) preparing loan proceedings documents; and (e) maintaining all necessary legal files. Services related to loan collections could include: (a) sending collections letters, (b) filing for judgements or other necessary legal collection efforts.
  2. Legal services related to OVRDC’s ongoing services and operation as an organization. Specific areas under this second heading would include review and revision of by-laws and incorporation papers, drafting or review of OVRDC contracts or sub-grant agreements, and the offering of legal advice to the Executive Director on request.
  3. OVRDC, in addition, desires that the attorney or firm have experience in public sector personnel law. The legal consultant may be asked for advice regarding personnel law and practices and may be asked to review OVRDC’s Operations and Personnel Policies Manual for compliance with state and federal law. OVRDC will seek advice and review regarding other documents, such as the agency’s Title VI Policy/Plan. OVRDC will occasionally seek advice regarding specific personnel actions or on specific organizational issues or questions.
  4. Legal services relating to the creation and operation of a non-profit organization.

Please respond with a copy of your proposal and any related documentation to the OVRDC office by September 26, 2024. Responses may be delivered by mail, email or in person, but should be received by 3:00 p.m. on the date specified. Any questions should be addressed to Stephanie Gilbert at (740) 947-2853, or sgilbert@ovrdc.org.

Submit proposals to:

Review Process

OVRDC’s Executive Director will review the proposals and quotations. It is highly probable that an interview with the top-rated attorneys/firms will occur between October 7th and October 18th.  The OVRDC’s Executive Committee will act on the Executive Director’s recommendation on October 24, 2024. Proposers will be notified of the final decision the week of October 28, 2024.

OVRDC reserves the right to request additional information related to the proposals. The decision will be based on: (1) how thoroughly each proposal addresses the legal needs of OVRDC; (2) how responsive and available the service is; (3) how completely the proposal addresses this RFP; and (4) how reasonable the costs are in comparison to other proposals and prevailing fees. A written agreement with the attorney or firm will be developed.  Preference will be given to attorneys or practices based within the twelve-county region that we serve: Adams, Brown, Clermont, Fayette, Gallia, Highland, Jackson, Lawrence, Pike, Ross, Scioto, and Vinton Counties in Ohio.