EDA Rep Lee Shirey Visits City of Jackson Water and Wastewater Project
This week, U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) Ohio program rep Lee Shirey visited the southern Ohio region to see projects funded with federal awards, including the water line replacement and wastewater improvement project in the City of Jackson. Construction began in March and has been rapidly making progress to replace 120 year old galvanized service lines to an expected completion in August.
The $3 million dollar project impact will improve services and reliability, reduce inflow and infiltration, repair the main trunk sewer line and reduce future rate increases. The project will also support job creation and retention through service upgrades supplying several businesses, including Bellisio Foods, Speyside, and other major employers in the area.
OVRDC Economic Development Specialists Kerri Richardson and Eli Cole help with EDA projects in our office and are the first stop for information on the program.