OVRDC hosted economic development and community leaders from across the southern Ohio region recently for a Legislative Roundtable with State Reps. Mark Johnson (R-Chillicothe) for the 92nd District and Justin Pizzulli (R-Scioto County) for the 90th District.
The event format included a collaborative discussion on economic development efforts in the region, the impact of state budget funding, and the vision for future economic growth.
“It is important to be connected as a region and have conversations about what’s going well and what we can do even better in the future,” said Johnson. “The challenge that we face in many parts of my District is this—how can we generate wealth and family-sustaining jobs to our struggling communities? By working together as a region, with JobsOhio and OVRDC, we can and must find solutions.”
“I am really proud of what we were able to pass in the state budget,” said Pizzulli. “As a region, it is critical that we rally together to make our communities the best and brightest they can be.”
Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission (OVRDC) is a public regional planning commission that coordinates federal, state, and local resources to encourage community and economic development in twelve southern Ohio counties: Adams, Brown, Clermont, Fayette, Gallia, Highland, Jackson, Lawrence, Pike, Ross, Scioto and Vinton.
“OVRDC is pleased with the investment the Ohio Legislature has committed to the Appalachia part of the state,” said OVRDC Executive Director John Hemmings. “We are certainly excited about the $500 million Appalachia Community Grant Program (ACGP) investment as well as all the new investments into the region as part of the Transportation and Operating budget. Hopefully, this new investment in southern Ohio will result in further state, Federal, and private investment in our region.”
Established in 1967, OVRDC serves as a Local Development District (LDD) for the Appalachian Regional Commission, an Economic Development District (EDD) for the Economic Development Administration, and a Regional Transportation Planning Organization (RTPO) for the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT). OVRDC is governed by a Full Commission of 167 officials who meet semi-annually.
Members include representatives of county and local governments, non-profit organizations, minority community, and the private sector. Routine oversight of the OVRDC is provided by an Executive Committee with representation from all twelve OVRDC counties; cities in the region; and members of the business, development, and minority communities. OVRDC receives financial support from a combination of federal and state grants and local service contracts. Member counties also pay annual fees to OVRDC, with contributions based on each county’s population.
More about OVRDC programs, membership, events and annual impact are online at www.ovrdc.org.