2017 TRAC Application Now Available

The Transportation Review Advisory Council (TRAC) is accepting funding applications through Monday, July 31st.  The online application is available at TRAC’s Website: http://www.dot.state.oh.us/trac/Pages/Default.aspx

Applications can be saved and resumed at a later date; however, please keep in mind they are only saved for 28 days.  TRAC will consider projects that meet one of the following criteria:

  • The project is an existing TRAC funded project (Tier I, II or III) and additional funds are needed to advance the project to the next stage of development.
  • A new project that demonstrates significant impact to jobs, regional economic impact and has significant non-ODOT funding commitments.


Extra consideration will be given to projects with non-ODOT funding commitments in the amount of 30% or greater of the total project cost.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Jim Gates at 614-752-7468.