YouTube Workshop Link
CartoDB and Leaflet Workshop
Join us for another GIS User Group Meeting, where we will host an interactive workshop focused on web-mapping with CartoDB and Leaflet.
As GIS shifts from static maps to web-based data visualization, CartoDB and Leaflet are two easy ways to map and analyze your location data. We will use sample Parks and Trail data as an example in CartoDB, while you are encouraged to bring your own data to work on. Leaflet allows you take this visualization a step further with advanced functionality and customization options. We will discuss how Leaflet allows you to build interactive maps from scratch and explore the capabilities of this JavaScript library.
This workshop is intended to help users at all levels of web-mapping and programming, with no experience necessary. Please join us for this hands-on GIS learning experience!
We will also discuss future meetings and get updates from attendees. If there is any news you would like to share or are interested in presenting at a future meeting, let us know. Thanks!